We spent most of the day touring the Capital Building.The rotunda was breathtaking! The painting on the ceiling is symbolic of Washington's birth, being nurtured and sustained by the 13 states (represented as women). Interesting. There is a statue from every state, that can be replaced every 10 years if the state desires. Utah is now represented by this statue of Brigham Young. The state of Utah had 4th graders vote on who they thought should represent the state. They voted on the man who invented tv. So before long Brig will get the boot.
When we were in the office of our Utah legislators getting tickets to visit the House and Senate in the Capital Building, we asked the clerk where we should eat. He directed us to a place called the "Good Stuff Eatery" The Chef is famous for being a winning chef on the Food Network ("Top Chef").His name is chef Spike. He has gourmet burgers with flavored Mayo dressings that were delicious.I liked the Mango Mayo myself. It is listed as one of the top places to eat in DC.
This is why 4th graders should not get to vote. I love TV and all, But to have that represent our state?!?! ughh,, I hope someone in Utah did not invent the cell phone!
Mmm... Sounds good... I wouldn't mind trying out that restaurant!
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